The Importance Of The Environmentally Friendly Roofing Products Used In California

Eco-friendly roofing is perfectly able to protect the structure of a building as well as keeping its cooling and heating system perfectly functional.

Present days are characterized by the green evolution which already touched many aspects of our lives; building remodeling is one of them. Green solutions come with two main benefits: reducing the strain on natural resources and saving on energy consumption. Statistics of the U.S. Department of Energy show promising numbers: $20 billion a year represent the savings in energy costs by green renovated buildings.

Of course, green improvements do not refer only to roofs, however, considering that a roof is the component that protects the entire structure of a building, it constitutes a great thing to start with, or at least to make it one of the priorities.  Santa Cruz roofing companies look into all the green options.

The efficiency of green roofing materials

Eco-friendly and energy efficient roofing excels in reflecting or absorbing solar heat. Considering the state’s climate, the green roofing materials used in California are usually highly reflective, in order to prevent heat penetrating below the roof and increasing the cooling demands. Beside their energy-efficiency, these materials provide all the other benefits: resistance to water, fire and weather phenomena, durability etc.

Roofing contractors here are focused on what is called “cool roof”= reflective materials + light colors

Eco-friendly cool roofing products include clay, wood, metal, slate and the new generation of recycled shingles made from plastic, rubber or wood fiber, which will all avoid the growing landfill.

However, there are some other alternative green roofing products used in California.

  • Solar Roof Shingles

This type of roofing materials constitutes one of the latest roofing trends that produces green energy. Solar roof shingles are hybrid materials that protect the roof from the weather, just like traditional shingles, but they also turn solar energy into electricity. They come with incorporated photovoltaic technology, consisting of semiconductors that capture the solar light and use it to create electrical power. With solar shingles, every home can produce its own energy needed by other house appliances. This roofing system is expensive, but it is made to last and there will be significant savings in the long run.

  • Vegetative roofs

Also known as living roofs, or eco-roofs, vegetative roofs are something unique – both beautiful and sustainable. With very few exceptions, roofs are unused areas, with no other function than protecting the building from the elements; however, these roof types can make these areas even more useful.

Vegetative roofs can be installed on a waterproof base and consist on soil with mineral components and very little organic matter, or pre-planted modules, where flowers, plants and grass can be grown. These green roofs Improve air quality, provide a very good insulation and reduce noise, offer a nice habitat for small insects and even birds, not to mention that they look natural and totally awesome. Just like in the case of solar shingles, vegetative roofs are more expensive than other options, but they require very little maintenance and the roof`s life will be extended by 200-300%.